Amy Podcast Cover

Sex with the Ex, Pointy Toe Heels, and Getting Your Invention into the MarketPlace

sex with the exDo you have an ex? Do you hate them? If so, you’re not going to believe this podcast. In this innovative episode of, “Pitch Me Moms”, host Amy Applebaum, is joined by her EX-HUSBAND, entrepreneur Joel Thielke, to give advice to Fonda Smith on getting her “Shoe Tip” invention into the marketplace. Listen to the top 2 lessons Amy learned about business from her Ex, daily actions to take to secure an investor, the importance of educating yourself by doing this one thing, where confidence comes from and what failure truly is (something you may have never heard of). Bonus! Learn about sex with the ex, who truly was to blame for Amy’s sticker machine business going bust, and the dirt on their past failed marriage! Who knew? You can…in this fun, dynamic and informative podcast.