The Release Your Inner Millionaire (RYIM) program is perfect for you if you’ve been spinning your wheels, trying to figure out which course to follow, which mentor to listen to, and which piece of advice will make the difference.
Spinning your wheels is not only frustrating, it’s soul-sucking and business-killing. And, knowing how much you want it, but not being able to achieve it because you don’t know what to do or when to do it – all while the clock ticks – only adds to your stress.
Well, “Enough Madness!”
Hi! I’m Amy Applebaum, I’m an entrepreneur, and I know, firsthand, how frustrating it can be and I’d like to make things easier on you.
“I am working my tail off and thought I’d be further along by now.”
“It seems impossible to find quality leaders. And when I think I do, they don’t pan out.”
“I need advice, accountability, motivation… a little push – the support I have just isn’t cutting it.”
“I’m not sure I can actually achieve what I want.”
Release Your Inner Millionaire (RYIM) is a 12-module, online training program dedicated to giving you the strategies, steps, self-confidence, and support you need to achieve the business of your dreams.
Release Your Inner Millionaire is for 3 types of entrepreneur:
Have questions, fears and confusion around how to get started with your dream business.
Still enthusiastic and busting a move in your business, but feel like you’re spinning your wheels, not making the difference and the money you had hoped to…yet.
Had some success but have plateaued and need help stepping up and out.
I’ve designed and structured this program to walk you through the process of creating your successful business, one step at a time, at a pace YOU CAN handle.
Twelve Grow Your Business Trainings
Growing a successful business is a step-by-step process. Missing just one of the steps can keep you stuck, indefinitely. These 12 trainings will make sure that you don’t miss anything. Together, we will be building your business, one week at a time.
Weekly, Grow Your Business Assignments:
Now, you’ll never be confused about what you’re supposed to be doing. In Release Your Inner Millionaire, the priority is taking action. Each week, for a full year, you’ll be given specific steps to grow your business, and keep you on track & motivated.
Weekly, Recorded Q&A Calls w/ “Moi”:
These live-recorded calls are your chance to hear me coach prior members, live. What I’ve found is that entrepreneur’s challenges are surprisingly similar. So these weekly coaching calls will help make sure that you can keep moving forward.
Once per quarter I select one entrepreneur from the Release Your Inner Millionaire program and help them break through a challenge via a custom, live, one-on-one laser coaching session. You will be invited to apply to receive this personalized coaching session with me.
Some of the most successful entrepreneurs will tell you they’ve been deeply inspired by the stories of others on their same journey. So, once per quarter, I’ll interview an inspired millionaire who will share with you their fears, challenges, accomplishments and closest-held business secrets.
Hate wasting time? Me too! Now you can grow your business from anywhere. Once you enroll, you can download all specialty calls and trainings to any device you choose.
If you want a private experience, click here to learn more about working with me.
If you’re ready to create an empowered mindset, learn more about my guided meditations here.
While I will teach you the basics of minding your money – I will NOT advise you on raising capital, securing loans, legal matters or taxes. I highly recommend you secure professionals to navigate these areas.
I care about them. It takes a lot to be successful and I don’t want you to miss anything.
This program is my baby. I lead every training. I created every support document. You won’t be getting information from someone I hired – it’s coming straight from me.
We attract deeply committed entrepreneurs who listen to every training and follow through with every action step. They demand success by committing themselves 100%. The outcome? Success!
Throw yourself into the program. Listen to the trainings and do all of the course work. You have nothing to lose.
Our goal is your success! And while we don’t promise results, we’re committed that you achieve them. So if, after giving it your all, you’re not getting value, we’ll happily refund you.
Note: There are no exceptions to the 32-Day Guarantee.
I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. Whoa. Successes. Failures. I get how challenging it is. I went from getting fired; to “newbie” coach with no idea what I was doing; to being one of the leading business and life coaches in the world, featured in just about every major media outlet.
Well, here’s what I’ve learned. I’m not smarter than the next entrepreneur. I’m not more savvy. I certainly wasn’t more connected or privileged. I, eventually, after multiple failures, selected the right mentors and began taking the right steps.
Bottom line…there’s no such thing as “get rich quick.” Success takes time. Period. You must have a plan. You must understand branding. And you must get out there in a big way. You also must have the right attitude and beliefs. I mean if you don’t believe in yourself, why would others? And… you absolutely must have the right mentors to push you past your comfort zone, help you stay on track and hold you accountable.
That’s why I created Release Your Inner Millionaire. This is the program I wished I had when I was building my business.
I want honest, hard-working visionaries, dedicated to making a difference and achieving their full potential to have a path. A roadmap. A blueprint to their success. Because you have to have one.
So, my goal with Release Your Inner Millionaire is to give you the steps, help you with self-confidence, and support you throughout the process. Together, we will tap your potential and build your dream business.
Let’s Go!
We are going to take you through a lot. Vision, Systems, Planning, Branding, Sales, Marketing, Platform Elevation, Personal Development. A lot. I wish that I could create one program that addressed everything you’d ever want to know about life and business…forever ? But I’ve learned it doesn’t work that way. You learn, you grow, and then you require different skills. So take a look at what you need now. Don’t worry about what you’ll need later.
That depends on you. The program itself is “go at your own pace.” If you follow the weekly assignments, and progress through a module per month, you will need to dedicate a handful of hours per week to listen to trainings and complete exercises. But the idea here is that you’re working your business in real-time. So the action items in Release Your Inner Millionaire are part of building your business… something you’re already doing.
If you need something, just reach out: I have an incredible team waiting to help. A few time per year, I hold complimentary office hours for my customers to ask questions. I will let you know in advance when those are. If you are wanting some one-on-one time with me, you can learn more about private coaching here. I look forward to supporting you.
First, know this – I am committed that you receive value from my program.
Second. If you’re already thinking about return policy and guarantees, it’s important for you to shift your thinking, immediately.
Our RYIM success stories all had one thing in common. The entrepreneur who succeeded took 100% responsibility for their success. They listened to every training, every coaching call, and completed every assignment. And, in many cases, went beyond and peppered in private coaching sessions too. They demanded their success.
Your success in this program is dependent on you. So I can’t guarantee your success. However, I am committed to you getting value. So if you dedicate yourself to 30 days of the program, and complete every assignment in Module 1, and you don’t believe, from the bottom of your heart and soul, that you’ve received any value, I will gladly refund you. (please check our return policy).