Pregnancy & Your Partner


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Do you wish you and your partner could use your pregnancy to connect on a much deeper level? Are you looking for more ways you can share your pregnancy with your partner? Communicate clearly with your significant other, open up to them about your pregnancy experience, and share the journey with “Pregnancy and Your Partner” from Amy Applebaum Hypnosis.

Amy is a world-renowned life and business coach, author, speaker and hypnotherapist whose success has led to high-profile appearances on such television outlets as ABC News, CNN, TLC, Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers and Martha Stewart, to name a few. She also serves as an expert to publications including the NY Times, The International Herald Tribune, Cosmopolitan, Shape, Figure Magazine, and Woman’s World.

And now, Amy has taken her knowledge of personal and business success, and created this hypnosis & meditation Pregnancy Collection to help you connect with your significant other on a deeper level and really share the journey of your pregnancy with your partner, and give you the confidence to lean on your loved ones when needed.

“Pregnancy and Your Partner” uses positive suggestions and binaural beats to remove limiting beliefs and self-doubt, open the lines of communication and sharing, and reminds you that you’re not alone in dealing with the ups and downs of your pregnancy. Your partner is there for you, and you can use your pregnancy to bring you closer together and make your journey with your baby even more incredible with the power of hypnosis and meditation.

This album contains hypnosis instructions, two different inductions with optional “sleep” or “wake” endings, relaxation & meditation music, and affirmations and actions for change:


Track 1 – Hypnosis Instructions

Track 2 – Relaxation Induction – Wake Ending

Track 3 – Relaxation Induction – Sleep Ending

Track 4 – Seashore Induction – Wake Ending

Track 5 – Seashore Induction – Sleep Ending

Track 6 – Meditation Music

Track 7 – Deep Sleep Music

Track 8 – Relaxation Music

Track 9 – Daily Affirmations for Change

Track 10 – Actions for Change
